“Sçåńnïng” (2020)

Body of Work Submission, HSC

“Sçåńnïng” explores the inset voyeurism of contemporary society through the commonality of social media. A cocktail of photo editing, video editing and FX, the timeline depicted in my work documents and notes the resonances of voyeurism in popular culture through the implementation of a variety of films, both contemporary and art, including the likes of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, Psycho and Rear Window, Michael Powell’s Peeping Tom and Andy Warhol’s Soap Opera. Taking influence from the collage-look screenprinting practice of Brisbane-based artist Blair Coffey and proclaimed “Daddy Pop” Richard Hamilton, while also taking a deep-dive into the fascinations of Andy Warhol, “Sçåńnïng” provides an insight into the changing nature of voyeurism overtime once seen as that of a sexual inference. Today, we collectively and subconsciously become the voyeur of each other’s lives through the lens of our so-called ‘black mirrors’.

“Lonely Nights" (2017)

(with overlay music)

song credit: ilyTOMMY - Lonely Nights

(no overlay music)

the original, a soundscape

“Lonely Nights" can be viewed as a visual recount of a typical New Year's Eve; fireworks, live music, excitement dense within the atmosphere. The year we were beginning, 2018, was a "coming of age" of sorts for me. I was turning 16 in May, and the responsibilities of adulthood were approaching, such as learning to drive. I'd also just gotten the job I still possess presently a few months prior to filming this. Hindsight is an interesting, and scary thing. It's intriguing to look back on this and see my innocence captured forever on video.